Hi guys! first of all I wanna apologize because the promise I made a few months ago about this post and it took me so long to make it but here it is: FINALLY.
As you can clearly see on my feed, at the beginning of this year I completely changed my theme/aesthetic into more minimal and have been doing it since then. I think that's one of the things that makes more recognizable who's the picture of when you're scrolling through your feed ( if you still see my pictures with this new shitty Instagram update)
Here are some of the things that are SUPER important when you're taking pictures.
even if you want your photos a little bit dark like mines make sure to take your pictures with good lightning, that'd make a photo look 100% better and HQ.
I'm not that much into big setups where every single thing has to be arranged strategically ( let's face it that's not even healthy for my anxiety) but one of the main things I do when I'm home snapping shots is to exploit my surroundings: windows if it's raining, black or bluísh fabrics or if I'm feeling fancy and inspired I even dress up just to take the perfect shot wearing suits or stylish clothes with neutral tones.
But what happens when you feel like going out? carry a book with you. You'll never know what beautiful spots are you're going to find. Like this cabin I found at the beach last week that I immediately fell in love with and for my luck, it was white. Always look for things that match your aesthetic if you'd like to keep a consistent feed,
Okay I don't wanna sound like a douch but I DO enjoy original shots with a unique style. I'm so bored seeing a plain feed with photos that I easily can find in another feed. Maybe that's the reason why I've been unfollowing a lot of accounts lately and just following the ones that inspires me the most with 1) constant content and 2) originality and who are true to themselves.
And last but not less important what's everyone is here for: EDITING
I use a lot A6 but for the dark pictures I always use HB2 (with +8 or 9) and do the same with the Instagram tool as I showed before.
that's basically all that I do to take pictures and edit them also I have a few tips for you guys to keep in mind.
Showing yourself in the picture (even if you don't wanna show you face you can always show your outfit) always looks great same as showing hands. Skin brings that aesthetically pleasure effect that I adore.
Please, please, PLEASE! try to avoid white sheets. Photos would look amazing if you post one of two but keeping it constantly would turn bored and frustrating.
Oh, and don't forget: HAVE FUN!!!!!
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