The Stonecutter (Las Hijas del Frío) by Camilla Läckberg

Rate: 5 stars
GoodReads Description.

The remote resort town of Fjällbacka has seen its share of tragedy, though perhaps none worse than that of the little girl found in a fisherman’s net. But this was no accidental drowning . . .

Local detective Patrik Hedström has just become a father. It’s his grim task to discover who could be behind the murder of a child both he and his partner Erica knew well. What he does not know is how this case will reach into the dark heart of Fjällbacka, spanning generations, ripping aside its idyllic façade, perhaps forever.

Bryan's Experience

Before start, I have to point out that this was the second book I read from this author, who already is becoming one of my favorites.

When I start a book of this genre, I want it confused me, fill me with fear but also keep me intrigued and guessing. And of course this one did it. The pace of this book is irrepressible and together with my good friend Patrik Hedstrom I had to take several cups of coffee to stay awake all night Reading. School? that can wait.

This genre has become by far one of my favorites and I feel that Sweden is one of the biggest inspirations for the perpetrators of crime these days. I like that the environment in which is narrated is bleak, and sow some doubt while reading.

Leaving aside the death in which the story centers, we can see what is beyond human limits. Many times we are so blinded by other things that our humanity is becoming increasingly limp and weak.

On the beginning, we have the topic of religious fanatics. Religion is a topic that I do not like to discuss very thoroughly, since it is never-ending and can offend more than one. But this book is carefully and sowing uncertainty among devotion and fanaticism. Even managed to cut family ties.

While reading the book I realized several things I had not glimpsed several times., And the author takes us both in its unstoppable narrative that you can ignore. Creates as real characters so much that you identify with them it will cost much dent in several aspects, including its values ​​and humanity.

The narrative style is superb and well structured, fundamentals and well argued explanations of certain aspects are noted.

One of my favorite characters is Erika whom I have come to take her fondly as it is with most identify myself. Despite being part of a series of books, rare characters are the same except instead of Erika's family and the police.

There is to mention that for those tenacious readers who are looking for something to keep them up all night as it did to me, the Fjallbacka saga is more than recommended to you.



Detrás de la fachada idílica de la bella poblacion costera de Fjällbacka se esconden terribles realidades y una mano secreta que busca la venganza desde un pasad lejano.

Erica y Patrik acaban de tener una hija, y a pesar de la alegría que trae la pequeña al hogar, la joven pareja debe hacer frente a toda una serie de nuevas preocupaciones. La niña llora mucho, Erica sufre una depresión posparto y Patrik está constantemente cansado.

Mi opinión

Antes de empezar, tengo que señalar que este fue el segundo libro que leí de esta autora, pero indiscutiblemente ya se está convirtiendo en una de mis favoritas del genero. Cuando empiezo un libro de este género, quiero que me confunda, me llene de miedo y desasosiego pero también que me mantenga intrigado y al margen. Y, por supuesto, Las Hijas del Frío cumplió su cometido y mis expectativas.. El ritmo de la lectura es irrefrenable y junto con mi buen amigo Patrik Hedstrom tuve que tomar varias tazas de café para mantenerme despierto toda la noche leyendo.
Este género se ha convertido, por mucho, uno de mis favoritos y creo que Suecia es una de las mayores inspiraciones literarias para los autores de crimen en estos días.
Me gustó que el entorno en el que se narra es sombrío, sembrando duda e incertidumbre a lo largo de la lectura.Dejando a un lado la muerte en la cual se centra la historia, podemos ver lo que está más allá de los límites humanos.

Al principio, tenemos el tema de los fanáticos religiosos. La religión es un tema el no me gusta abordar muy a fondo, ya que no tiene fin y puede ofender a más de uno. Pero este libro cuida excelentemente los aspectos entre la devoción y el fanatismo.

Al leer el libro me di cuenta de varias cosas que no había visto. La autora nos sumerge tanto en su narrativa imparable que puede pasar por alto ciertos tópicos relevantes. Los personajes se sienten tan reales que te es imposible identificarse con ellos.

Uno de mis personajes favoritos sin duda es la misma Erika, de verdad que disfruto mucho leyéndola.Hay que mencionar que para aquellos lectores tenaces que están buscando algo para mantenerlos despiertos toda la noche, ya que me hizo a mí, la saga Fjallbacka es más que recomendable para usted.

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